Video above is by Anthony Rubin, first shared on Gab, April 16, 2023, purporting to show ‘Chinese men of military age’ in Panama en route to USA’s southern border. In the video, Anthony does not identify himself, location, context, or purpose. It’s just Anthony walking up & down, in Panama, a Latin American country, whose native tongue is Spanish, yelling ‘Gyna’ at random people.
April 19, 2023: Anthony Rubin identify himself on FOX News
Strangely, there’s virtually no information available for ‘reporter’ Anthony Rubin. Who claim to have founded Not to be confused with Muckraker, a label associated with reform-minded, fearless journalism & journalists.
Although, I did find this interview he did with NPR, a supposedly ‘progressive’ liberal media. Except, when it come to issue of Israel, at which point, NPR’s ideology lean far-right. On promo, NPR link Anthony Rubin with Heritage Foundation, a neo-conservative think tank with links to big corporations & south Korean Intelligence.
On homepage of Prominently featured & promoted is Deep State disinfo agent Alex Jones. Alongside genocide advocator Ben Shapiro. Take note of topic: ‘illegal alien invasion’, ‘illegal alien compound’. Essentially, diversionary topics to divert attention away from Deep State, police state, Israel, the real powers that be & toward the most vulnerable population.
Deep Dive into Alex Jones’ Disinformation Company
March 2023: RT was caught red-handed altering Reuters article
Original reporting by Reuters did not mention Chinese
RT inserted “Thousands of Chinese fly to Panama, because of free visa, to cross Darien Strait” ??
Chinese can fly to Guatemala visa free
Hypothetically, for a moment, we entertain RT’s thesis of ‘visa free’. For high IQ Chinese, Guatemala would make most sense. As Guatemala bypass extremely dangerous Darien Strait & thousands of miles of Cartel-infested gangland. Right? Thus, from this fact alone, we can extrapolate, at a minimum, RT is dishonest & most likely selling bullshit.
Honduras visa is $30
Mexico is even easier & visa is $51
Even easier, fly direct to US. Visa is $185 & readily available for Chinese
Illogical reasoning. Why would Chinese fly all the way to Panama, just to backtrack through dangerous Darien Strait?
More plausible scenario: +10% of Panama’s population are descendants of Chinese indentured servants, kidnapped to build Panama Railway & Canal. It’s possible, Panama is economically poor & Panamanian Chinese are making the trek for a better life or somehow coerced, duped, lured. (I don’t put anything past Deep State)
In RT article, Panama’s FM, Janaina Tewaney, is of Hindu ancestry, promoted ‘Chinese flying to panama because of visa free’. As we all know, India is the source of most fake China stories, which are then picked up by Populist Right & Cuckservatives in US.
Easter Island Tangent
We detour for a brief moment to validate Mr. Romanoff’s excellent research. As documented, Unz is a gatekeeper / limited hangout site, promoting disinfo ‘Jew is a race’ & pin European sins on ‘Jews’ — a nebulous term. But, other than that, most of the research by Mr. Romanoff is fairly accurate.
For instance, further down paragraph he mentioned “credible evidence exist, Easter Island was depopulated by kidnapping Jews”. But, provided no source.
After weeks of research, found supporting evidence via Steven Roger Fischer’s ‘Island at the End of the World’. You can download a free demo PDF here.
Turns out, Mr. Romanoff’s shocking claim is fairly accurate. Easter Island was depopulated by indentured servitude kidnapping. But, by Europeans not ‘Jews’.
With this knowledge in mind, Mr. Romanoff has a website & his research can be proven useful.
May 16, 2024: Al-Arabiya, mouthpiece of Saudi Arabia, infamous for beheading 81 people in one day, was also caught red-handed altering Reuters article with pictures of southeast Asian people, and like RT, claimed “Chinese invading US from southern border”. Those people are probably fleeing NED-funded ethnic cleansing in Myanmar.
Circa Oct 2023: It’s Stew Peters & Michael Yon’s turn
Michael Yon is NED & was deported from Hong Kong for inciting Color Revolution
Michael Yon claimed “Chinese believe indigenous natives of America are east Asian & thus, want to reclaim America”.

I spent 3 years in Mexico, living along the border on both sides. Saw no east Asian only Indians, Africans & Latinos. Some Mexicans look identical to east Asian.
Today, July 3, 2024, DHS announced ‘mass deportation of Chinese’. But, if you read either article, no evidence, only suggestions, ‘alleged’ or ‘unspecified’.
Because it’s gaslighting.
Here’s the 2018 deportation list by nationalities. Chinese aren’t even on list.
Here’s 2020 deportation list by nationalities. Again, no Chinese.
Here’s 2023 deportation list by nationalities. Again, no Chinese.
China haters are stuck in the 90s. They still imagine China with smog, pollution & rickshaws lining the street. In reality, China is cleaner, greener, more modern than USA.
China is world leader in Solar, EVs, high speed rails, renewable energy, nuclear & fusion energy, hypersonic weapons, supply chains, ship building, naval ships, scientific peer-reviewed papers, AI patents, etc.
According to PPP, China’s economy & living standard surpassed America years ago.
Chinese students no longer study in US
In 1989: 70% of Tsinghua University grad students continued education in US
In 2021: only 3%
In 2021: +1.4K US Chinese scientists quit & bought 1-way tickets to China
In 2024: 40% consider leaving
Chinese Universities are at elite level
Students get better education at affordable price
Today, China's life expectancy surpass US
Since 2016, anti-China racist rhetoric has turned US toxic. During COVID, blacks were beating up Asian grannies, remember? America is a hostile environment for east Asians in general & Chinese in particular. So why would Chinese still want to come here? Chinese are one of the highest IQ ethnic group in the world.